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Subway's "Eat Fresh"

Targeting - Health-conscious and on-the-go diners

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Encourages consumers to make healthier choices when dining out.

About the

Promotes Subway's fresh and customizable sandwich offerings.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Emphasizes healthier and fresher fast-food options at Subway.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

Campaign Concept:

The core concept of Subway's "Eat Fresh" campaign revolved around the idea that consumers could enjoy fast food while making healthier choices. Subway positioned itself as a brand that offered a fresh and customizable menu, with an emphasis on ingredients like freshly baked bread, vegetables, lean meats, and a variety of toppings. The campaign encouraged people to "eat fresh" by choosing Subway sandwiches and salads over greasier, less healthy options from other fast-food chains.

Key Messages:

1. Fresh Ingredients: Subway's main message was the freshness of its ingredients. They highlighted the fact that their bread was baked daily, and customers could choose from a wide selection of fresh vegetables and lean proteins for their sandwiches.

2. Customization: Subway emphasized the ability for customers to customize their orders. You could choose your bread, fillings, sauces, and toppings, allowing for a personalized and healthier meal.

3. Healthy Eating: The campaign aimed to position Subway as a healthier fast-food option. By choosing Subway, consumers could make better dietary choices and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

4. Variety: Subway also highlighted the variety of options available, catering to different tastes and dietary preferences, including vegetarian and low-calorie options.

Advertising Elements:

The "Eat Fresh" campaign used various advertising elements to convey its messages:

1. TV Commercials: Subway aired television commercials showcasing fresh ingredients being prepared and customized into delicious sandwiches and salads.

2. Print Ads: Print advertisements often featured images of the fresh ingredients and the customizable aspect of Subway's menu.

3. Slogans: "Eat Fresh" was the primary slogan, but Subway also used slogans like "The way a sandwich should be" and "Make it what you want."

4. Celebrity Endorsements: Subway partnered with various celebrities, including athletes and entertainers, who promoted Subway as part of a healthy lifestyle.

5. In-Store Signage: The "Eat Fresh" theme was consistently applied in Subway's in-store signage, menu boards, and packaging.

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